A World Mental Health Day Rant

Even with the medication, things aren’t all roses. The meds have helped, but an SSRI can only do so much. It can’t remove unpleasant memories or put more money in my wallet. It can’t remove systemic racism or sexism or misogyny from my life. It can’t make the people around me show me support or comfort or care. It’s important to remember that depression isn’t just a chemical imbalance. It’s financial insecurity, and micro-aggressions, and misogynoir, and neglect, and gentrification, and…

I’m Not Having a Facebook Fundraiser, So Do Me This Birthday Favor Instead

Choose a day in Gemini season (or multiple days) and find someone to help. Not just any kind of help. Specifically, monetary support. Cash! Take the $14 you would’ve used to buy me a birthday drink, and give it away. Yes, that is a pricey drink, but I deserve the best for my birthday, don’t I? If you’re not sure where to start or what to do, just walk down the street in your city and find someone who is struggling. You will know them when you see them. I ask these things of you as you make your way through the world...

Philadelphia Starbucks Settlement: Respectability and the Inadequacy of a Symbolic Dollar and a Grant

Nelson and Robinson know how to behave, and for that reason they are being depicted as exceptional negroes. Emphasis is continually being put of the fact that they were at Starbucks for a business meeting, as if that somehow matters. They could’ve been there doing nothing more than using the wifi, and their arrest would’ve still been unjust. Doing nothing wrong isn’t enough, however. If you don’t want to be blamed for your own mistreatment, you have to do enough things right as well. So these two men who look like thugs are “business partners” who were waiting to start a business meeting. It makes them more palatable to the masses, and it's easier for folks jumping on the “woke” bandwagon to get behind them.

Eye of the Storm

I watch you sleep Your head on my lap My arm across your chest A simple moment A peaceful moment One of the happiest of my life Looking back I realize my idea of happiness had been skewed My joy was nothing more than an absence of fear The beauty of the moment is tainted... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk About Dave Chappelle’s Netflix Specials

Now, I do firmly believe that no topic is off limits when it comes to comedy. Like the best art, the best comedy holds a mirror up to society and forces us to take a good long look at ourselves. It’s controversial. It makes us think. It makes us analyze. It makes us question. That being said, a good comedian can do all of those things without actively engaging in bigotry. Dave Chappelle fell way short of that goal. In these specials there is little to no analysis or critical thinking when it comes to LGBTQ and trans rights - or at all for that matter. There’s no education. Essentially all that’s left is bullying.

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